15 000 Russians seek to exit Georgia

Normal0Moscow/Agency Caucasus – As many as 15 000 Russian citizens in Georgia would want to have a chance to leave the country as soon as possible, said Andrey Nesterenko, spokesman for the Russian Foreign Ministry.

The Russians in Georgia began to look for a way to exit the country after Tbilisi decided to cut its diplomatic ties with Russia that followed the adoption of a resolution in Georgian parliament that Georgia was brought under Russian occupation, Nesterenko said.


“The Russians search for a way back to their homeland through Armenia, Azerbaijan and even Turkey. Some of them have even tried to return through border posts on the frontier between Georgia and Russia,” said Nesterenko. “There are currently as many as 15 000 Russians trying to return to their homeland.”  


The consulate affairs have been deadlocked in Georgia, said Nesterenko, and added that only the Russian citizens can be given official service in the consulate in Tbilisi.

Georgian Foreign Ministry cut its official ties with Russia after it issued on Monday a note of protest to Russian Ambassador Vyacheslav Kovalenko to Tbilisi. Georgian Foreign Ministry said that Georgia would maintain its relations with Russia at a minimum level so that the interests of Georgian citizens in Russia could be saved.